Kamis, 04 Agustus 2016

Kawasan Cagar Budaya Rumah Adat Banjar


Title: Kawasan Cagar Budaya Rumah Adat Banjar
Location: Teluk Selong Ulu, Martapura, Banjar, Kalimantan Selatan
Area: 3Ha
Soil type: swamp


Short Description
Banjar Etnic has architectural heritage from ancestors were very valuable. In total there are 11 Banjar traditional houses scattered  in South Kalimantan. In this globalization era, Banjar traditional houses has the potential danger of being corrupted even vanish by many factors. On this basis the "Cultural Heritage Region of Banjar Traditional Houses into a conservation area and the development of cultural activities of Banjar Etnic. Eleventh The Banjar traditional houses building adjoining the buffer / development of cultural heritage area, namely siring, mosques, schools, commercial centers, galleries, and a multipurpose building. With the Cultural Heritage Region of Banjar Traditional Houses will positively impact the preservation of the traditional architecture, preserve historical-cultural, and can improve the economy of the surrounding community.


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